Tusculum mit Terrasse | © T. Biersch


Unterhalb der Burg Rheinfels, 56329 St. Goar

Beautiful vantage point below Rheinfels Castle on the "Landgravine Anna-Elisabeth-Weg".

The Tusculum is a former garden pavilion of the Villa Lindner at the "Landgräfin Anna-Elisabeth-Weg". The Tusculum fascinated Otto Dix (1891-1969), one of the most famous painters of German Expressionism, during his time in Düsseldorf as a member of the painters' group "Das Junge Rheinland" when he stayed in Sankt Goar in the 1920s. Dix was married to the youngest daughter of the Lindner family and thus frequently spent time in Sankt Goar in the 1920s. This is also where a significant portion of Otto Dix's seminal work "The War" was created. The pictures painted here showed and made clear to people the war in all its horror.

Tusculum mit Terrasse | © T. Biersch
Info-Tafel Tusculum | © T. Biersch
Eingang Tusculum | © T. Biersch
Blick auf die Jugendherberge, Rheinfels u. Tusculu | © T. Biersch


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56329 St. Goar Unterhalb der Burg Rheinfels
Unterhalb der Burg Rheinfels
56329 St. Goar

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