Skulpturengarten Rheinburgenweg

Wilpertskopf 16, 56154 Boppard - Holzfeld

Sculpture Garden Rheinburgenweg

Located directly on the Rheinburgenweg between Holzfeld and Hirzenach.

Guided tours by appointment at 0151 - 15152151.

Studio: "Old Gas Station"

Hunsrückhöhenstr. 8a

56154 Boppard - Buchholz

Rhineland Sculpture Garden

Located directly on the Rheinburgenweg between Holzfeld and Hirzenach,

the sculpture garden of the artist Jutta Reiss can be found at the edge of the weekend house area Wilpertskopf.

She has created a place here where diverse sculptures from myths and legends, historical figures,

angels, devils, and morbid elements can be seen. Made from ceramics and wire and integrated into the beautiful landscape

with a view of the Rhine, the sculpture garden is a feel-good place where one can relax and let their soul dangle.

Mystical beings, gods and spirits, horned figures, and for the more sensitive souls, some somewhat eerie figures

seem to come alive here.

Guided tours by appointment at 0151 - 15152151.

Studio: "Old Gas Station," Hunsrückhöhenstr. 8a

56154 Boppard-Buchholz

Skulpturengarten Rheinburgenweg

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Skulpturengarten Rheinburgenweg
Wilpertskopf 16
56154 Boppard - Holzfeld


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