Sitzgelegenheiten im Schlosspark | © Pressebüro der Stadt Neuwied


56564 Neuwied

The castle park invites you for a walk
Palace Park

Baroque garden created behind the palace after 1715. 1810 enlargement and remodelling as an English landscaped garden. Exotic plants and shrubs partly originating from America. Today, 15 hectares open to the public as recreational area with playground. Park extends to the confluence of the river Wied with the Rhine. Entrance to park through Schlossstraße dyke gate.


From29.08.2024 until the 31.12.2029

Opening hours:
Monday: Clock
Tuesday: Clock
Wednesday: Clock
Thursday: Clock
Friday: Clock
Saturday: Clock
Sunday: Clock

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56564 Neuwied
56564 Neuwied

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