Eingangsbereich | © Tourist-Information Bad Breisig

22:00 - 03:00

Roadhouse B9 Music Club

53498 Bad Breisig

Music club, as well as rum and absinthe bar.
Here, dancing can be done to various music genres on weekends.
No matter if it's rock, rap, EDM, metal, pop, RnB, or Schlager, everything is offered here.

Music Club - Rum + Absinthe Bar
The rest stop is directly located on the B9 and is easily accessible by car.
Every month, a new program is released featuring various themed parties or theme nights.
Here, you can dance to all music genres on the weekend. Whether it's Rock, Rap, EDM, Metal, Pop, RnB, or Schlager.

Eingangsbereich | © Tourist-Information Bad Breisig
Außenansicht | © Tourist-Information Bad Breisig

Roadhouse B9 Music Club

From 01.01.2019 until the 31.12.2025

Opening hours:
Thursday: 19:00 - 00:00
Friday: 22:00 - 03:00

From 24.11.2022 until the 31.12.2025

Opening hours:
Saturday: 22:00 - 06:00

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53498 Bad Breisig
Rasthaus B9
53498 Bad Breisig

Phone: (0049) 177 8811802
E-mail: info@rasthaus-b9.de
Web: http://www.rasthaus-b9.de

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