Pfarrkirche St. Alban (Seitenansicht) | © T. Biersch

Pfarrkirche St. Alban in Perscheid

St. Albanus-Weg, 55430 Perscheid

The parish church of St. Alban stands in the center of Perscheid.

The parish church of St. Alban is located in the center of Perscheid and belongs to the parish community of Oberwesel in the deanery of St. Goar. The church in Perscheid has with the Engers-Schlaad organ from 1849, a historically valuable gem and a cultural monument worth preserving.

Pfarrkirche St. Alban (Seitenansicht) | © T. Biersch
Pfarrkirche St. Alban | © T. Biersch

Pfarrkirche St. Alban in Perscheid

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55430 Perscheid St. Albanus-Weg
Kirche St. Alban
St. Albanus-Weg
55430 Perscheid

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