Margarethes Hofladen

Mohlenweg 4, 56626 Andernach

Free-range eggs, meat and sausages from our own cattle, soup chicken, egg liqueur, syrup, seasonal fruit and vegetables from the region, dairy products, honey, pasta, potatoes, liqueurs, juices, etc. 

The Margarethenhof is located on the edge of the town of Andernach. Here we have been breeding

Charolais cattle for almost 40 years.
On the meadows around the Margarethenhof our animals grow up in a herd.

Our cattle are gently fed with home-grown feed - a guarantee for the best quality.

Our chickens live in a chicken mobile, where they not only get their daily free run,

but also regularly move their mobile to enjoy always fresh grass.

In our farm shop we offer a selection of products from our own farm or from carefully

selected suppliers who supply our own and / or our own products. When choosing our food,

we not only attach great importance to quality, but also the transparent and traceable

origin of the products offered is very important to us. For this reason, for example,

we only offer fruit and vegetables during the natural season.

Coming from B9: B9, exit Maria Laach, direction Nickenich, after 200m at the

SHD building / roundabout in the direction of Andernach / Kirchberg, then left into

Robert-Koch-Straße, drive to the end, left again into the Mohlenweg, then right entrance

to Margarethenhof Coming from the A61: A61, exit Kruft, from Kruft direction Nickenich, Andernach,

from SHD building see directions via B9

Margarethes Hofladen

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56626 Andernach Mohlenweg 4
Margarethes Hofladen
Mohlenweg 4
56626 Andernach

Phone: (0049)151-28244086

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