DRK 1 | © Helge Waldek

German Red Cross Linz

Seilerbahn 1, 53545 Linz am Rhein

Volunteering with responsibility

Volunteering with responsibility Whenever there is something going on in the city of Linz, the DRK Linz is always there to provide help. The people of Linz can rely on their local association during carnival, the winegrowers' festival and St Martin's Day. We also support the blood donation service at blood donation events. The Linz DRK supports the city's retirement homes by providing wheelchair transport and accompanying people on excursions. The organisation is also involved in the SEG SAN Linz. This group is called out to help with larger operations, e.g. a major car accident on the A3 motorway or a fire in a retirement home. There are many other ways to get involved in the DRK Linz. And there is also plenty of socialising. Curious? Just take a look: The organisation provides the training, you bring the commitment!

DRK 1 | © Helge Waldek
DRK 2 | © Helge Waldek
DRK 3 | © Helge Waldek

German Red Cross Linz

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53545 Linz am Rhein Seilerbahn 1
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Ortsverein Linz e.V.
Seilerbahn 1
53545 Linz am Rhein

Phone: (0049) 2644 7788
E-mail: mail@drk-linz.de
Web: http://www.drk-linz.de/

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