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Gedenkstein an die jüdische Gemeinde

Mainzer Str., 56321 Rhens

On the open space opposite the St. Theresia Church on Mainzerstrasse there is a war memorial and a memorial stone in memory of the former Jewish community in Rhens.

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On the open space opposite the St. Theresia Church on Mainzerstrasse there is a war memorial and a memorial stone in memory of the former Jewish community. The names of the Jewish families who lived in Rhens in 1933 are listed on the memorial stone. There were about 40 persons.

There was a Jewish community in Rhens from the 15th century until 1939. In the 19th century, the community operated facilities such as a synagogue, a Jewish school and religious school, a ritual bath, and a cemetery. In the period after 1933, all Jewish residents left the town as a result of the economic boycott of Jewish businesses, increasing disenfranchisement and reprisals by the Nazis. The Jews moved away or emigrated. The last ones left in 1939, after the synagogue and several Jewish apartments were destroyed in the November pogrom of 1938.


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Stein1 | © Tourist-Information Erlebnis Rheinbogen
Stein2 | © Tourist-Information Erlebnis Rheinbogen
Stein3 | © Tourist-Information Erlebnis Rheinbogen

Gedenkstein an die jüdische Gemeinde

From 10.11.2021 until the 10.11.2025

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56321 Rhens Mainzer Str.
Gedenkstein an die jüdische Gemeinde
Mainzer Str.
56321 Rhens


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