Flippermuseum | © Pressebüro der Stadt Neuwied


Hermannstr. 9, 56564 Neuwied


  150 exhibits from 1930 to the present - almost all of them playable!

Do you still remember the clacking and ringing, the many flashing lights and the joy of an extra ball? Not so long ago, pinball machines were part of the inventory of almost every pub. Now you can experience over 50 fascinating pinball machines from the 1930s to the present in the German Pinball Museum.

Because experiencing pinball means playing it yourself, many of the machines can be played. There is also a wealth of information about the silver ball. The Pinball Museum in Neuwied is the only one of its kind in Germany and the largest in Europe. Visit the pinball museum - a museum you can touch!


From 01.01.2023 until the 31.12.2029

Opening hours:
Saturday: 14:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 14:00 - 18:00

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56564 Neuwied Hermannstr. 9
Hermannstr. 9
56564 Neuwied

Phone: (0049) 2631 358183
E-mail: info@flippermuseum.eu
Web: http://www.flippermuseum.eu/

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