Burg Linz | © Frank Metzemacher, Lichtreim

Burgplatz mit Burg Linz

Burgplatz, 53545 Linz am Rhein

Zoll- & Zwingburg of the Archbishops of Cologne from 1365

The Castle of Linz was built in 1365 as customs levying post and fortress of the archbishops of Cologne. Only a round corner tower and the foundations remain of the original construction. You can also see a classic half-timbered house from around 1500 with an emergency exit on the 1st floor. Right next to it is a half-timbered house in the architectural style of the early 17th century with 2 gables. In the centre of “Burgplatz” you can find the fountain “Linzer Strünzer”. It is a symbol for the very early and typical inhabitant of Linz, who used to exaggerate and palliate everything concerning himself and his worldly goods.

Burgplatz mit Burg Linz

From 17.01.2023 until the 17.01.2060

Opening hours:

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53545 Linz am Rhein Burgplatz
Burgplatz Linz am Rhein
53545 Linz am Rhein

E-mail: info@linz.de
Web: http://www.linz.de

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