Burg Rheinstein

Rheinstein 1, 55413 Trechtingshausen

The restaurant "Kleiner Weinprinz" is the catering establishment of the romantic castle Burg Rheinstein.

Visitors can enjoy the upscale cuisine on the panoramic terrace. It is located on an old vineyard terrace and offers beautiful views of the castle scenery and the Rhine valley.  

Burg Rheinstein

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55413 Trechtingshausen Rheinstein 1
Hotel Romantik-Schloß Burg Rheinstein
Rheinstein 1
55413 Trechtingshausen

Phone: +49 6721 6348
E-mail: info@burg-rheinstein.de
Web: http://www.burg-rheinstein.de/

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