BUrg Maus | © Loreley Touristik

Bronzetafeln im Kultur- und Landschaftspark Loreley

Loreley 7, 56348 Bornich

See, touch, and discover.
Individually designed information panels explain stories and themes surrounding the Loreley.

See, touch, and explore.
Individually designed information panels explain stories and themes related to the Loreley.

Individual landscape motifs have been captured and are explained. At the various viewpoints in the cultural and landscape park, tactile models for accessibility are installed.
Awaken your explorer spirit and experience the Loreley from different perspectives.
The diverse themes of the panels include cities and places, buildings, shipping, viticulture, geology, flora, fauna, and much more.

Bronzetafeln im Kultur- und Landschaftspark Loreley

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56348 Bornich Loreley 7
Loreley Touristik GmbH
Loreley 7
56348 Bornich

Phone: (0049)6771 9100
E-mail: info@loreley-touristik.de
Web: http://www.loreley-touristik.de

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