Sayner Scheune | © Sayner Scheune

17:00 - 22:00

beer garden & restaurant

Koblenz-Olper-Straße 165, 56170 Bendorf-Sayn

The all-in-one concept "beer garden & restaurant" is an attraction for locals as well as for foreign visitors.

The all-in-one concept ,,beer garden & restaurant’’ available in the Sayner Scheune is a point of attraction for locals as well as for out-of-town visitors. The restaurant is located next to the butterfly garden and the Sayn Palace. Freshly prepared German and Italian dishes are offered. These can be enjoyed under old chestnut trees in the beer garden or in the tastefully decorated restaurant. An extensive spirits and wine list completes the offer.

Sayner Scheune | © Sayner Scheune
Biergarten Sayner Scheune | © Sayner Scheune

beer garden & restaurant

From 23.03.2022 until the 23.03.2032

Opening hours:
Wednesday: 17:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 17:00 - 22:00
Friday: 17:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 11:30 - 14:30
Saturday: 17:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 11:30 - 14:30
Sunday: 17:00 - 22:00

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56170 Bendorf-Sayn Koblenz-Olper-Straße 165
Die Sayner Scheune
Koblenz-Olper-Straße 165
56170 Bendorf-Sayn

Phone: (0049) 0 26 22 90 62 018

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