07:30 - 10:30
Bäckerei Barth - Rhens
Hochstraße 13, 56321 Rhens
We offer you a wide selection of organic baked goods.
Ecological - delicious - fresh!
Two reasons have prompted us to bake certified organic bread and rolls. On the one hand, the ongoing threat to the sustainability of our planet. Certified organic agriculture means protecting increasingly endangered habitats of wildlife and plant life, as well as our ever more endangered groundwater. The organic grain from our region is of excellent quality and contributes to a good ecological balance without long and convoluted transport routes. On the other hand, we want to bake good bread: using the best ingredients and of the highest quality. These high-quality agricultural products are transformed in our bakery into the "food" of bread and rolls through traditional, time-intensive craftsmanship. Without chemicals and with plenty of time, we use a traditional natural sourdough – just as we did a hundred years ago. After many hours of maturation, it develops acetic acid, lactic acid bacteria, and yeasts. This makes our bread uniquely aromatic and easily digestible. Through long and gentle baking in a stone oven, the fine crumb and hearty crust are created. Today, we all know that a proper diet contributes to well-being and helps prevent the emergence of many diseases.
The production and consumption of whole-grain and organic products is not a trend, but a necessity – for us and our environment!